- Isis Unveiled (Bài Mới 4/2020)
- Meeting Fairies (10/2016)
- 30 Years Among The Dead(11/2014)
- Paranormal: My Life in Pursuit of the Afterlife (05/2013)
- Reflections on an Ageless Wisdom - A Commentary on The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett (06/2012)
- Discipleship in the New Age (Alice A. Bailey) (11/2011)
- Sharing the Light 2(Geoffrey Hodson) (12/2009)
- Sharing the Light (Geoffrey Hodson) (6/2009)
- Đọc Sách (6/2008)
- Tự Điển Thông Thiên Học
- Wilfred Brandon
- Helena Petrovna Blavatsky by Sylvia Cranston (pdf)
- H.P.B. Collected Writtings (pdf)
- Blavatsky and Her Teachers, by Jean Overton Fuller (pdf)
- The Letters of H.P.B. (pdf)
- The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky, by Daniel Caldwell (pdf)
- A Treatise on White Magic, by Alice Ạ Bailey (pdf)
- Light in a Sanctuary, by Geoffrey Hodson (pdf)
- The Yogic Ascent to Spiritual Heights, by Sandra Hodson (pdf)
- Only Love is Real, by Brian Weiss (pdf)